The Governing Body govern thru a dense darkness of shadow projections about the world, the courts, and anyone leaving the mind control cult clearly shows that they can not govern very intelligently being so black and white in their thinking,,, so expect them to lash out blindly and hang themselves in court due to their delusional insanity.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
If there ever was another defector from the GB who would apostatise ?
by Chook ini don’t think any would give up the gravy train but that’s me personally.
ray franz was part of a larger club..
Brokeback Watchtower
After Ray Franz, their vetting process was cranked up to 11, and it has never been dialed down.
Which explains why the Governing Body keep getting weirder and weirder.
BTW I think the main lesson they may have learned from the Franz brothers experience is no nepotism on the GB choosing committee. AM#3 should forget about his sons coming on board.
Victoria, Australia:Survivors of sexual abuse to be able to sue churches
by AndersonsInfo in
sexual abuse survivors in victoria to be able to sue churches as government moves to end 'ellis defence'.
updated about 2 hours ago.
Brokeback Watchtower
All the property they own Down Under eventually seized?
I think that could very well happen I look at Russia as just the first in a long line of countries to seize their property when things get going and the lawsuits pile up and settlement are made.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
A JW on the other hand, driven by his or her unthinking Watchtower loyalty is bound to ignore Jung’s wisdom and instead guiltily suppress the dark side of their nature.
And that is why I think they have a very bad problem with pedophiles inside the Watchtower Corporation is because all their suppression of sexuality in its members causing an increase in shadow pressure erupting to sex with children. The Catholic church too, with its sexual repression of priest might be the cause of so much child molestation in the clergy.
I think the numbers are huge for the WT corporation because they are more sexually repressive then the Catholic church.
The Shadow is a real bitch that will bite the Watchtower corporation in the ass time after time during the nightmare stage of wishful thinking.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
By the Governing Body's failure to integrate its shadow means they are a very fragmented bunch of neurotics unable to make good decisions for running a corporation because their brains ain't operating on all cylinders so expect even more loony ness from these guys as the WT corporation goes belly up with lawsuits brought on by the shear stupidity of management to handle problems.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
The more you can integrate your shadow into consciousness the more whole you become. Jung says that when we are first born is when we are most whole/undivided as time goes on we develop an ego consciousness, this causes divisions and fragmentation as we conform to society, parents, government, and so forth. At around middle age we start to turn inward more and since the ego is fully developed we start to return to be more whole and opposites try to gain more balance the process is natural but usually filled with many set backs. If all goes well the person becomes more whole and more happy where the process meets with many snags unhappiness is the results and a much more conflicted self especially if one actually takes his persona to be his real self must dissatisfaction will result because the process of wholeness has hit a major snag and one becomes a shell of his real self.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..